How many times have you said something and suddenly found yourself in one of those deja vu moments where you could feel that same emotion from the past? As I have grown older, I find that these sorts of occurrences seem to happen more frequently. Is it simply a matter of our breadth of life experiences or is it a reflection of history just repeating itself? Well, I was chatting with some colleagues the other day and something struck a chord setting off one of those deja vu moments. It was one of those precious lines my daughter would use that triggered a smile; allow me to explain.
Like many parents, when there was an opportunity to include my daughter to assist with my home projects, I welcomed the chance. This provided so many teachable moments, as well as the infinitely valuable time of just having time with your kids. It would be difficult to say who received the greater gift! On one of those occasions, my daughter started asking me what I was doing, but of course it was said with the tone of a child, "What you are doing?". I began to explain what it was I was doing and then showed her. Seemingly, with each step of the process I'd hear her angelic voice query yet again, "What you are doing?" It was then that I realized how genuinely innocent a child can be, and just how priceless those moments are.
We did many projects together over the years, and increasingly, she earned more and more responsibility, kind of a mentor ship program I'd say. I guess that's what parenting is all about after all, isn't it?
There were several other little expressions that surfaced over the years, but few had the resonating echo in my head that this one has. I'm sure if I asked her about this today, she'd have very little recollection; but if I asked her, "What's happening?", I imagine she'd say, "Good", and that's how I'd know my little girl is still inside that mature, young lady!