Saturday, June 11, 2011

Spinning out of Control

With the wild weather that most of the country has been experiencing of late, it is no wonder that there has been much attention given to all those whirling dervishes known as tornadoes.  In fact, here in the East, the weather this evening looked more like tornado alley than the gentle, rolling hills of New England.  However, even though most of the media coverage has been on the "spinning" air masses outside, some forms of spinning are found in the more sedate confines of the gym, and permit me to explain.

Most of us who engage in triathlon training recognize the value in cross training, and certainly as age catches up with each of us, the merits of mixing up the routine from day to day clearly provides benefits.  Because of the protracted number of recent rainy days, I was "forced" inside for my early morning constitutionals.  However, what I soon discovered was that spinning "class" offered a wonderful alternative when the weather outside was, shall we say, less than ideal.  There are some compromises, however, but when Mother Nature rears Her ugly head and fails to accommodate us with favorable conditions, then taking it the "seats" isn't so bad.

I have spoken to a number of "spinners" over the years who have encouraged me to try this indoor form of exercise, but my fondness for the outdoors has generally kept me on the "outside".  However, with the exceptionally wet spring we've had this year, I was forced indoors in order to keep up with my bike training.  I suppose one could say that quite "literally" being wet behind the ears now has me spinning out of control!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize that some people still did morning constitutionals outside-good thing you moved indoors.
