Several months before I was born, my parents realized that they needed more room for their expanding family, so they moved the family to a quieter neighborhood and larger home. My sisters have related stories of dancing in the empty spaces of the new home before the move and imagining which rooms would be theirs. Naturally, my parents got the master bedroom, but the other rooms were commandeered in order of age. That meant that the two rooms that were once the maid's quarters and separated from the main part of the house by the second stairwell, logically became the older siblings new digs. To this day, those rooms still are referred to as "so and so's old room".
The stairwell that led to those back rooms created a natural boundary between the front of the house and the back, and as you would expect, the two sides of the house have a connection through one of the bedrooms as well. Consequently, we began to refer to this part of the house as the other side. Over the years, for some reason or other, nearly all of us have made the other side of the house a resting spot for some period of time. This is what makes the other side truly a domain unto itself; it remains connected but separate. And for those of us who have actually gone to the other side and returned, it has oftentimes provided that much needed respite from life's occasional disruptions. There certainly is solace in knowing that a place like this really exists!