Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Match made in...the Cemetery?

Likely, you have heard the expression, "a match made in heaven", and for those fortunate enough to have experienced this, it is indeed a true blessing.  Sadly, the statistics show that more than 50% of today's marriages end in divorce.  This may be quite daunting for those contemplating this next step of a relationship, however, for some, the prospects of a life shared together far outweigh the alternative.  Recently, my father shared with me a personal story of how his parents met, and for my paternal grandparents, the quiet surroundings of the parish cemetery provided an unusual but safe place to start their courtship.

Visiting the parish cemetery to view the head stones of relatives was not an uncommon Sunday afternoon ritual for my grandparent's families.  Sadly, my grandmother had several siblings succumb to the Diphtheria out break in the late 1800s, so her family made regular visits.  On one of those occasions, my grandfather approached my grandmother and that encounter eventually led to a first date and subsequently, their nuptials.

My grandmother died before I was born, but through stories and pictures, I have created an image of a grandmother I never knew.  My mother tells me that her most vivid memory was Grandma's unbridled commitment to her faith and family, along with her daily routine of bread making.  My father concurred, and also remembers her intense work ethic, milking the cows, if she had to, and her willingness to assist in the fields when harvest time arrived.  My recollections of my Grandfather are scarce, but he loved baseball and had the biggest feet of anyone I had ever seen.  My father claims he had such warm hands, he never needed gloves or mittens, even on the coldest of days.

When my great grandparents moved into town years before, they built their home directly across the street from the parish church, just so they could attend daily mass; my grandparents moved into the family dwelling, after a life spent on the farm, so they could do the same.

Although most of the memories I have of my grandparents have come second hand, they all seem quite real to me.  In fact, my grandmother would have celebrated her 122nd birthday, if she was alive today, and unfortunately, her life came to an untimely end when she was just 62.  When my grandparents met in that cemetery many years ago, it was a match made in heaven, and after all the stories I have heard about her, I am sure she is smiling down from there right now.  Happy Birthday Grandma!


  1. Schizz...seems your are living a lot in the past. Hey, if it works for you, but don't miss out on the here and now. You know YOU are getting older when your stories of your family have been repeated more than a few times on your blog.

  2. This one is not a repeat.
