Sunday, December 16, 2012

Making sense out of senselessness

When the horrific events from last week's tragedy unfolded,  we were once again thrust into a sense of disbelief, sadness, vulnerability, and extreme heartfelt loss for the victims, their families and friends.  As the information streamed in from the various news outlets, it became apparent, yet again, that this act was as senseless as any of those that have preceded it.

We live in a world of great challenge today with the many issues facing each of us personally and collectively.  Regardless of the times or the circumstances, we must turn to each other and offer comfort and support.  Good triumphs when we reconcile those differences that keep us apart.  Tragedies are just  that , and no sense can be made of them.  We need to love our neighbors as ourselves, and that makes sense to me!

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