Sunday, November 24, 2013

The "Chasmo" Effect

Through the years, trend changes have been referred to by the term "effects" which, because of their influence, cause some measure of change to take place.  Certainly, positive effects generally translate into beneficial responses, and conversely, negative effects typically produce responses that few would like to repeat.  Well, in the case of one welcomed addition to the morning group, we got to experience the "Chasmo Effect".

Some people believe Saturdays are made for sleeping in and getting up for a relaxing cup o' joe, but for others, Saturdays are  meant for running first and then enjoying the cup of coffee.  This week was different though.  With the annual Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trots coming, that means it's time to train with Chasmo.

Unlike the majority of individuals, training takes on a slightly different meaning for the Chasmo.  In other words, getting overly excited about the race preparation may not be all it's cracked up to be, an occasional run, walk combo, quite conceivably, is all that is needed to ready oneself for race day.  And if you are training with someone who runs a bit slower than your usual pace, well, that sure is the "positive effect" that more hard core athletes find refreshing some days.

However, as we age, the objective necessarily has to change, regardless of our personal hopes to delay the inevitable physical challenges we face.  So, perhaps the real story behind the "Chasmo Effect" is just getting out there.  If it takes you longer than you'd expect, then you get the opportunity to spend that much more time with good friends, and isn't that the real objective anyway?

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