Monday, March 1, 2010

Truly a double take

Recall the old commercials for Doublemint gum? Generally, they would feature a pair of identical twins, dressed similarly and speaking simultaneously during the advertisement. At the time it was, I'm sure, considered quite an innovative piece of marketing. It made an impression on me, because I still remember it. Well, I know a set of twins that weren't part of that advertising campaign, but they sure could have been.

My older brother and his wife were anticipating the arrival of their newborns, and in those final days of her confinement, the doctors did several ultrasounds to monitor the prenatal health of the babies. Remarkably for twins, their estimated combined weight was comparable to 2, well sized, term infants. I still marvel at how my sister-in-law was able to manage under the circumstances. By ultrasound, the doctor felt reasonably certain that the expectant parents were having twin boys, so they were ready with their choices for names.

Lo and behold, "D" day came, but instead of two boys, they became the proud parents of 2 "strapping", newborn baby girls, weighing in at 7 lbs, 15 oz. and 8 lbs, 1 oz. respectively. 16 pounds of bouncing babies, how did my sister-in-law do it? I could only imagine the reaction of the new parents, perhaps a double take.

Over the years, I have witnessed the development and success of these 2 young ladies. They have accomplished much and excelled, regardless of what they have undertaken. They were part of a state champion basketball team which made both of their parents proud, especially their basketball playing Dad. I couldn't imagine what life would have been like if they'd been boys, but more importantly, I can't imagine life without those two, wonderful nieces. Happy birthday S&A. I will say that again, and in this case, I most decidedly have "two"!


  1. Happy B-day to S & A. This may be the only time that you will get away with calling the girls "strapping" though!

    Uncle Bill

  2. aggie and sophie will really like this Uncle Steve!
