Wednesday, July 4, 2018

What the Fourth means to me

Every July fourth, we as Americans gather to celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence, as this marks the birth of our nation.  The founding fathers envisioned a country that was free from tyranny, allowed freedoms that weren't permitted under the rule of England, and above all, allowed us to live as free man and woman.

When all of the cookouts are over, the fireworks have dissipated into the night air, and I awaken tomorrow, I will count my blessings that I am an American.  That advanced citizenship carries advanced responsibilities too, and therein lies the goal set out by our founding fathers. 

Thus, in the words of Thomas Jefferson, as written in our declaration...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal... We are one people with backgrounds as diverse as our land.  Let's be reminded that as one nation under God we are many people, but one united family,  Happy Fourth of July!

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