Thursday, June 17, 2010

Keep those "nasty" comments to yourself

Generally, when someone says, "keep it to yourself", they haven't got anything nice to say. In fact, I dare say that the expression is only used under those circumstances. Well, when you want to express praise for another individual or feelings of respect, admiration, or affection, I contend that keeping it to yourself is the last thing that either person involved is likely to do or want. The person extending his/her praises can hardly contain themselves with those powerful emotions of excitement, while the person on the receiving end of those remarks probably is bubbling over with an internal sense of well being after hearing or reading them. If we can't show our emotions, what kind of insensitive individuals are we? Emotion is a normal response to all of life's dealings, good or bad, and if we can't display true emotion, then we lack the passion for living life the way it was meant to be lived.

Yes, there are times when each of us should "keep our comments to ourselves", but hopefully we display the proper self control and discipline to know the difference between the two. When I'm happy, then my smile speaks volumes to those who see me without so much as saying a word, and I suppose that's what people mean when they say, "I can tell by the smile on your face". Actions oftentimes get reactions, so smile and be kindhearted when you speak or say nothing, otherwise I just might have to say something too!

1 comment:

  1. You are so like me. In fact- our whole family wear our hearts on our sleeves. To show our love and pride is so natural and so truely human. We brag about each other and we brag about our kids, nieces and nephews. Every grad party or celebration of an event has been a good reason to open our hearts. You did it beautifully.
