Saturday, October 19, 2013

Dad, do you have a pen I can borrow?

Here you go
Who doesn't need a writing instrument from time to time?  Certainly, those of us who have to sign our name multiple times a day ought to carry one, and if you are a "rock star", it would make sense to be armed with a pen.  In the 70's, if you had several pens in your pocket, you were considered a nerd.  I know one person who you could always count on to have a pen in his pocket, because without it, he wouldn't have been dad.

My father was a crossword aficionado.  Often times, he'd do two or three a day, and if he didn't complete it one day, you'd find him working on it the following day.  I recall how excited he'd get when he solved a particularly clever answer in the Sunday crossword.  Additionally, if he seemed somewhat stumped, he welcomed the input of those around him.  This activity offered another opportunity to share what became a much beloved ritual.

Now that my father has passed away, it's the little things that surface during the course of a day that remind us of the loss.  It's a three word phrase that begins with "W" and ends with "U".  I got it; we miss you!

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