Friday, January 1, 2010

A Slice of Pi for the New Year

The entire universe is made up of various geometric shapes and sizes. Some are regular, like squares and rectangles. Others are odd and uneven, thus making it more mathematically difficult to measure them. Fortunately, there are mathematicians who can figure out the equations in order to understand all of this. So, as we embark on a new year, I thought this might be a good time to view this coming year as a "hole".

So let's slice up the year like we would cutting a pie into 12 equal pieces. January is notoriously the coldest, but that shouldn't deter anyone from pounding the pavement with their New Year's resolutions. February is all about the past, past Presidents to be exact. March brings us the Ides of March, but if you have a friend named Brutus, watch out. April is all about taxes, and I think it does that, taxes most of us. May brings us Mother's Day, and where would we be without our mothers? June brings us Father's Day, and where would be without them? July we celebrate the 4th, and we owe so much to those founding fathers. August is all about the heat and humidity. September ushers in the Fall, and relief for parents when the kids return to school. October reminds us of the changing foliage and Halloween. November, we give thanks for what has been given to us. And then there is December, a month to remember with all the celebration.

Where does this all get us? You guessed it, right back where we started. So, if we think of the year as a trip around the "hole", that makes it the circumference. And without Pi, we'd be lost. You couldn't figure out where you'd been, where you are, or where you're going. And that is a recipe for disaster no matter how you slice it. Oh, by the way, I'll have another piece please!

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